P.A.L.M.E. Prize, Cespes

Five personalities from Lamezia have been awarded by the Cespes cultural association, chaired by the pedagogist Carolina Caruso, committed to the forefront in the cultural and social field, in particular in the enhancement of the talents present in the area.

Cespes has established the P.A.L.M.E. (award of merit), an award that will be awarded, every three years, during the Easter period, to deserving and respected Lametine professionals in their environment for their passion, dignity and professional seriousness, as well as for having achieved concrete goals and results, giving prestige to the city and the region.

During the first edition of PALME, the plaques with the palm logo were delivered to five lametines, identified after a careful study of the territory, which have distinguished themselves for their professional and artistic activity, especially in the latter difficult year.

The recipients of the award are: Antonietta Vincenzo, naturalist and writer, for her cultural commitment, literary value, imagination and depth of the themes proposed in her books; & nbsp; Rosamaria Montesanti, cardiologist, for having made her profession a rule of life, for her commitment to sensitization and prevention; Antonella Mongiardo, winner of the Azzurro Donna “Teacher of the Year” award, for humanity, teaching competence and & nbsp; methodological innovation, proven by the affection and brilliant results of its students; Pasqualino Rettura, journalist, for the professionalism with which & nbsp; informs and holds the reins of an editorial office, in a difficult social context, with dignity and courage; & nbsp; Marco Barberio, artist, known and appreciated even beyond the ocean, for the resourcefulness, originality and social value of his creative activity.

The Cespes association was born from the initiative of a group of women united by the same liberal and Christian values, open to the recognition of civil rights, with the aim of fighting against all forms of discrimination. Cespes is also active in the social field, supporting the weakest categories. “They felt the need to be useful for the development of the community – says Carolina Caruso – also giving due recognition to those who, working in silence and with passion, day after day, give young people the most important thing for their growth: example. Both culturally and socially. In times of pandemic we have sacrificed our human resources to the most needy families. Our statute proposes, in fact, the development and implementation of socio-cultural activities for the full implementation of active citizenship and access to knowledge. We propose the enhancement of the role and skills of women in the contemporary world, against all forms of discrimination and violence. In the future – says Caruso – we would like to carry out training activities on the issues outlined in the associative purposes, to foster an open and multicultural society, and to encourage educational activities for the implementation of a world citizenship. respect for the anti-Covid name – concludes Carolina Caruso – we had a chat with the diocese of Lamezia, led by Monsignor Giuseppe Schillaci, & nbsp; extensive collaborations with parishes for the construction of a social fabric aimed at putting the most needy at the center “.

23 May 2021